


The current research examines the interactive effect between psychology contract breach and organizational cynicism through mediator role of violation of psychology contract amongst a sample of 104 employees in Al-muthanna cement factory. The research suggest that breach of psychology contract leads to emergence negative emotional reaction by employees reflected indirectly on increasing cynicism attitudes included three aspects are : believe, affective and behavior. This research also assumes that magnitude of positive relationship between breach and violation of psychology contract will reduce when employees perceive internal respect in organizations. The data were colleted by using questionnaire. For testing mediated moderation relationships in hypothesized model, (Baron & Kenny, 1986)' method, (Muller et al., 2005)' approach, structural equation modeling, regression analysis and correlation were used. Results indicate that breach of psychology contract positively related with violation of contract and violation of contract mediates the relationship breach of psychology contract and organizational cynicism. In addition to, the results indicate that perceived internal respect influence negatively relationship between breach and violation of psychology contract. In lights of these results, set of conclusions and recommendation were formulated.