During the eighties many policies has been reform in a large number of developing countries to face the economic problems faced by, and was the reform policies in the "stabilization programs and structural adjustment supported by the IMF and the World Bank, and included goals to secure re-balance the balance of payments with the resumption of growth and focusing on address problems purely economic without attention to social issues, so it has been for these programs have raised significant economic included most economic variables for the countries which have applied policies, and it did not stop at this point, but extended to the social aspect, Vanekst those economic impacts on the social aspect is undesirable in it, a problem that social cost prohibitive incurred poor people, and when you compare these reforms economic reforms that have been implemented under the Islamic economic system, it was found that there is much discrepancy, as included recent all aspects of life, both on the economic aspect, social or humanitarian than leave a positive impact, was to ensure economic well-being of individuals and society thus ensuring social justice.