


The study Cared to identify the role of managerial innovation strategies in the functionality of the workers in the Kufa Cement Plant, through study and administrative reality of creativity and functionality in the lab. The research methodology based and dimensional analysis, which focuses on the collection of data on the phenomenon and its interpretation and test results, and have been using the program Statistical ready for Social Sciences (SPSS) to analyze the data that have been obtained through the poll sample consisting of (91) persons working in senior and middle management of the plant and come up with recommendations to increase attention to both creativity and functionality, Study reached a number of conclusions was the most important that the factory administration does not support or encourage creativity and did not endorse seriously. It is also not interested in the creation and R & D units to improve job performance. Study and came out a number of recommendations was the most important need for direct administration Kufa Cement Plant to support and encourage innovation competition between teams working inside the factory.