


The perception in the past that who provide financial contributions to the formation of companies and business organizations are the owners of capital, but the new reality poses another important fact, is that who have the knowledge have organized. The intellectual capital provided by the owners of knowledge, understanding the real owners of capital. And so when dealing human resources management with members of the organization must be based on this deal from that fact, that the workers are not making work for pay and do not represent a factor of production, but they source of ideas and the main tool for change and turn challenges for competitive to the knowledge and ability of innovative or creative they own, so presumably the organization develop the ability of individuals and motivate them to development and enrichment in their performance, with the aim of activating the contributions the human element in achieving the objectives of the organization, for the latter to realize that the game competitive is not a choice, but a necessity dictated by the new circumstances, and has to deal with the rules of this game and you basically based on the importance of the human element. To achieve objective of the study was to formulate a methodology required design model linking the relationship between the innovation leadership and knowledge management requirements. The research was based on a set of concepts and ideas and propositions modern theoretical and a set of indicators and statistical tests in order to develop a scientific approach can be university under study measuring the role of commander innovation in an environment organization, has emphasized that the existence of relations link and following the moral positive between leaders innovation and requirements management knowledge and finally reached the study to a set of conclusions and field theory which has been built upon to provide a set of recommendations are consistent with these findings that researchers deems necessary for the success of innovation leadership at the university.