


Iraq post 2003 differs from its predecessor in all economic and commercial aspects not to mention the political system based on the constitution, which was voted on in 2005. On this basis has to be a realistic consideration of the need to pursue a new economic and trade options based on one option, not others, for the Iraq state firm conviction of the importance of economic integration in the economic capital of the system after the isolation that lasted more than three decades until they are able to re-economic state institutions to work to deal with international counterparts, After that enhance the formal accession to the world trade organization and having the ability to adopt its decision-making individually after Iraq out of some chapter 7 items, and what it means to take over the financial surpluses began achieved by Iraq after the improvement of oil revenues and success in attracting international oil companies which began to operate freely and in the hope of productive expansion in the coming years to pay those successes and features possessed by the oil industry in Iraq, which has no counterparts not regionally but globally.