The world faces Recently many problems which create many obstacles that prevent its way in developing the material basis of production to establish a modern and civilized society evolving.These Problems make obstacles to the industry, which relate the human ambition and their looking forward to improve permanent human needs.According to the increase population rates some people estimate that this will be a big disaster in the future, which threatens the human life in this world, especially when the systems of management and production processes become unable to include the undefined and developed human needs.That shows us the degradation of the level of living on this planet. Because we are suffering through the use of irrational and without conscious control to the resources.The most important problem that worries the national society is the environmental problems, which relate with the protection of environment from one side and improving the production sector from another side.So the national society tries with all its agencies to limit the lack of harmony between the environment and human activity.However the United Nations tries to unite all countries activities to face the danger which threatens world.In spite that this problem is not current, we are trying to solve it presently.