


Financial transactions in Islam are considered one of the legislations that it has set following the rulesof which the purpose is a commitment to what God commanded and a compassionate Islamic society, and Islam iskeen on sufficiency and justice in the Islamic economy, as it has been concerned with organizing transactionsbetween people in a way that guarantees to build a cohesive and compassionate Islamic society. In fact, financialtransactions in Islam are considered one of the legislations that it has set in accordance with the rules of which thepurpose is a commitment to what God commanded.Moreover, financial transactions play an important part in the Islamic economic system, allowing for true economicand financial transactions in all financial institutions, whether they are Islamic banks or other financing institutions.The research challenge is that keeping up with global financial transaction growth is followed by financialtransaction risks. Islamic financial contract formulas are more stable, but they require legal adaptation to keep upwith these changes.The research seeks to illustrate financial transactions in Islam and their money of great significance in the day-today dealings of the citizen and Muslim communities and in the organization of dealings in compliance with the valuesof Islamic law in a way that serves the general interest of society. The most critical suggestions made by the researchare the need to emphasize the role that Islamic financial transactions play in economic activity, as they are actualtransactions free of Usury (Riba), and to enable banks and financial institutions to follow commercial formulasaccepted by the Islamic regime in any way because of their great economic significance in economic activity ingeneral and banking activity in particular.