University of Al-Qadisiyah/College of Administration and EconomicsCorresponding Author : Ahmed Redha Mohammed Abstract : The lease contracts are an important financing method that companies use as an alternative toborrowing to obtain assets for use in their production process. Usually, companies resort to leasing the asset insteadof buying it, either due to the lack of liquidity with the company or its desire to maintain its liquidity or the high costof the opportunity and due to the importance it has acquired. The issue of lease contracts and as a result of thecompanies ’reliance on them as an alternative to meet the needs of assets. The leasing activity has received greatattention from the accounting organizations interested in issuing international accounting standards worldwide, suchas the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The Board has issued the International FinancialReporting Standard IFRS 16 related to lease contracts, To find a solution to the classifications of the types of leasecontracts, and the research aims to identify accounting for lease contracts following international accountingstandards and in particular to identify in particular the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS 16) leasecontracts and to the possibility of its application in Iraqi companies and its effect on the lists Financial.