Whether we "eat to live or live to eat" remains the same, as we are consuming beings, we live byconsumption and for this we seek and its tools and means to defend and fight, and even investment if we go deep inour analysis represents a transitional consumption in its nature and final in its functions according to economic logic. Our study examines the interests of economists in this phenomenon in terms of their development laws , the ethics oftheir organization and their motivations for economic growth, with an emphasis on trying to measure the relationshipbetween consumption as an independent variable and the GDP in Iraq for the years 1990- 2015 as a dependentvariable, taking into account the varying objective conditions of the extent of the study period and swing between araging war and a delayed breakthrough, if we just tried and that we have sinned away from the sincere intention andeffort.It can be concluded that consumption and investment are two dimensions of a single process.Investment is in factsustainable consumption through the interaction of its components, creating final consumer tools and media, andconsumption by nature is a hidden investment whose inputs shift from the solid image to its decaying counterpart,that is, from matter to energy as the fuel without which it lived. Being on the face of the simple, so our description ofconsumption as the fruit of production is as we say that death is the end of life, both inevitable and inevitable