
environmental texture
organizational decline
environmental complexity
environmental dynamism
environmental uncertainty.


AbstractThe aim of the current study is to test the direct impact of the environmental texture through its four classifications(Placid, Randomized Environment, Placid, Cluster Environment, Disturbed-Reactive Environment, and Turbulent Fields) onorganizational decline. For the purpose of data collection, the study relied on the questionnaire as a main tool that wasprepared by developing measures in the light of the ideas contained in the articles of specialized researchers and theorists inthe field of study variables. To achieve the goal of the study, (192) of the leaders of private higher education were targeted(the university president, the university president’s assistant for scientific affairs, the university president’s assistant foradministrative affairs, the dean of the college, the assistant dean for scientific affairs, the assistant dean for administrativeaffairs, the head of the department) working in (129) A university and a private college in the governorates of the MiddleEuphrates, with a total community of (335) members of university leaders, distributed to them the study tool (questionnaireform) to survey opinions about the variables of the study. Confirmation factor, validity and reliability test, mean andstandard deviation, Pearson's simple correlation coefficient, simple linear decline equation, multiple linear decline equation,coefficient of relative variance, and relative importance. By adopting statistical programs (AMOS V.26, SPSS V26, SMARTPLS V.3.3). The results proved the validity of the study’s hypotheses, and the study came out with a set of results, perhaps themost prominent of which is that the environment in which private universities and colleges operate is a turbulent environmentcharacterized by high complexity and dynamism, in addition to an impact of the environmental texture on organizationaldecline.