
Robust Technique to Remedy of Unequal Variance Problem in the Presence of high leverage points
Mohammed A. Mohammed Department of Materials Management Techniques/ Al-Dewanyia Technical Institute /Al-Furat Alawsat Technical University nan (Author)
March 2018 ,Pages 1-8

Abstract: An important assumption of linear regression model is that the variance of disturbances everywhere is equal (constant variance). However, unequal variance called heteroscedasticity does not cause biasness in estimates, but it leads to an efficient problem and the standard errors of observations will be inaccurate. Under heteroscedasticity problem, the ordinary least squares estimates (OLS) are inefficient due to it gives same weights to all observations regardless of the fact that those with large residuals contain less information about regression model. The weighted least square (WLS) is a common method for remedy the heteroscedasticity problem. Unfortunately, in the presence of high leverage points (outlier in the predictor variables), the estimates of classical method such as OLS and WLS will be damaged and an inefficient. In order to tackle the combined problem of heteroscedasticity and high leverage points, we suggested a new estimation method called robust quintile weighted least squares (RQWLS). The results of real data example and simulation study shows that the suggested method has good performance compared with the existing methods.

Assessment of government support policies for the individual income in Iraq for the period of 2003-2016
Moosa Khalaf Awad1 , Thaeir H. Kadhem2 1.2Department of Economy, College of Economics and Business Management Al-Qadisiya University, Iraq nan (Author)
March 2018 ,Pages 9-18

Abstract: Government support policies are a subset of of economic policies that aim at achieving overall stability and improved access to a higher standard of living for social groups with limited income. Examples include social protection networks (e.g. supporting ration cards, providing loans to the unemployed without interest) or support for general sectors such as health, education, agriculture and housing. While these policies are applied in most countries of the world, their application varies from one country to another depending on the philosophy of that country’s economic system. Governmental support represents a stream of spending where the state decides to pay without being matched by a stream of goods and services. From this point of view, government support policies are one of the most important macro-policies for achievingeconomic growth and achieving social balance, as they allow for directing a portion of public expenditure to address the phenomenon of poverty by enabling the low-income classes to have the opportunity to live through redistributing income across different support groups. This occurs in accordance with government support policies and in line with the requirements of the national strategy to counter poverty in Iraq.

The Role of Job Rotation in Enhancing Administrative Reform Processes: An analytical Study of The Views of Ssenior Managers
Al- Qadisiyah University Khariya- A. Fathel Al-khalidi1 nan, Eman Obeid Jassim2 nan (Author)
March 2018 ,Pages 19-35

Abstract: The aims of this paper is to investigate the relationship between job rotation and the administrative reform process at Al-Qadisiyah University. The research sample was identified, 129 questionnaire ( deans, deputy ofdeans,, and heads of departmental) forms were distributed to all faculties of Al- Qadisiyah University. Only (16) forms were rejected for non-validity and failure to meet the required conditions for answering the questionnaire. Thus, thetotal number of valid forms for study and analysis was 113 with an 88% retrieval rate. Data, analyzed using AMOS v.20 and SPSS v.24. The results proved the validity of the hypotheses and reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which was the contribution of work rotation to the development of performance and the strengthening of the capabilities of senior leaders, as well as to resisting change resulting from the belief that the job belongs to the employee. Moreover, one of the main reasons for the failure of the administrative reform process is that it dealt with administrative problems independently of the environmental surroundings that interact with. Influence and are affected by the administrative system. In the light of the conclusions reached by the research, some recommendations were formulated. The most important of these was the implementation of a law of periodic and permanent rotation to reduce the monotony and routine of work. which may generate boredom, and the application of the principles of fairness and fair administration in implementing this law. The organization, s administration must show interest and conduct research into transparency, integrity, administrative accountability and administrative corruption programs to enhance the employee's sense ofbelonging to his job, as well as his commitment to a work ethic and values that reflect a high level of reform culture, loyalty and dedication.

Biased estimators in Poisson regression model in the presence of multicollinearity: A subject review
Zakariya Yahya Algamal nan (Author)
March 2018 ,Pages 36-43

Abstract: The presence of high correlation among predictors in regression mode has undesirable effects on the regression estimating. In the literature, there are several available biased methods to overcome this issue. The Poisson regression model (PRM) is a special model from the generalized linear models. The PRM is a well-known model in research application when the response variable under the study is count data. Numerous biased estimators for overcoming the multicollinearity in Poisson regression model have been proposed in the literature using different theories. An overview of recent biased methods for PRM is provided. A comparison among these biased estimatorsallows us to gain an insight into their performance. Simulation and real data application results show that the Liutype estimator is comparable to other estimators.