
The influence of organizational DNA on innovation performance: An empirical study in a sample of Iraqi industrial organizations
Ehssan D. chelab nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 9-22

Abstract: This study introduces theoretical ideas and practical experience of Hamilton’s studies related to organizational DNA and innovation performance. Taking into consideration the limitation of theoretical frameworks and need to prove them, the study attempts to develop the means by which different types of organizations can compete and attain desired objectives according to Hamilton’s point of view. Two fundamental questions arise here .First, how well or bad the four orgDNA building blocks are aligned in Iraqi industrial organizations (organizational stereotypes)?.Second, to which extent the alignment of orgDNA building blocks can influence innovation performance?. Three Iraqi industrial enterprises were chosen to investigate this problem. A questionnaire with 49 questions was designed and distributed among 27 managers to collect required data. Testing of hypotheses was performed by mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficients, t-distribution, and Kruskal-Wallis test. The results of the study indicated that organizational DNA four blocks had a positively significant relationship with innovation performance.Finally, the study concludes with many recommendations that should explore how to create the necessary conditions for organizations in emerging economics to innovate and create knowledge.

التحديات الستراتيجية وممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية: العلاقة والأثر دراسة تطبيقية في معمل سمنت الكوفة
عبد الكريم هادي شعبان nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 23-43

Abstract: nan

التجارة الالكترونية العربية-المقاييس والملامح-
سالم صلال راهي الحسناوي nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 50-70

Abstract: nan

استعمال عقود المستقبليات لأغراض المضاربة- مدخل استراتيجي( دراسة استشرافية لعينة من القطاع المصرفي العراقي الخاص)
جليل كاظم العارضي nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 71-91

Abstract: This study aims at examining the possibility of using futurecontracts in order to apply them in the local status. Thisemphasizes the value of the study through out the adoption ofadvanced financial systems. In the field of Iraqi financialbanking, which completely lacks such systems, according to thispoint, it is possible to support the theoretical and field aspects ofthese modern strategies and to direct the interest of researchersand people interested in the financial field to participating largelyin developing the banking aspect through the adoption offinancial tools which are largely used in the developing countrieswhere there are efficient financial markets.At this point, it is possible to deal with the problem on whichthe present study is based and attaining the aim of study, inaddition to the use of speculation strategy analysis and to achieveprofits.

التوريق بآلية التحويل المباشر Pass - through كبديل عن التمويل المركزي لقروض السكن في العراق
Ali Geran Abed nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 92-106

Abstract: nan

دور المناخ التنظيمي في تعزيز سلوك نشر المعرفة في المؤسسات التعليمية(دراسة تطبيقية في جامعة القادسية )
Hamed Kareem nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 107-124

Abstract: nan

قدرة مقاييس التدفقات النقدية في تفسير العوائد السوقية غير العادية للأسهم: دراسة ميدانية في الشركات الصناعية الاردنية
Mua'ed Al-Sa'edi nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 126-146

Abstract: nan

دور ديوان الرقابة المالية في تقويم أداء الخدمات العامةدراسة تطبيقية في ديوان الرقابة المالية / المنطقة السادسة / ديوانية
Qassem M. Abed nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 147-164

Abstract: nan

واقع الإنتاجية الزراعية في العراق وسبل الارتقاء بها (محصول القمح أنموذجاً)
Abdel Adem A. nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 166-184

Abstract: nan

تقييم التجارة العربية البينية باستعمال نموذج الجاذبية في التجارة الخارجية
Mahdi Sahr G. nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 185-202

Abstract: nan

حال التنمية البشرية في العراق: سجل التدهور
Hassan Latef K. nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 203-242

Abstract: nan

البطالة في مصر -واقعها والآفاق المستقبلية لحلها
Batol Mutar E. nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 243-259

Abstract: nan

التنبؤ المستقبلي لمنتوج حامض الكبريتيك باستخدام طريقتي هولت- ونتر وبوكس-جنكنز(Holt- Winter &Box-Jenkins methods)
Ali Gouad K. nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 261-274

Abstract: nan

المصارف الإسلامية أمام تحديات لجنة بازل
Ma'an Abood Ali nan (Author)
December 2007 ,Pages 276-292

Abstract: nan