The mechanism of the transition to a market economy in Iraq, and subsequent cost appear to be more difficult may be borne by society, was not such costs are already in the system of central planning 0, in particular, and this system was providing a stable life modest citizens believe in the basic needs of them, and prices may be supported, Although low levels of real wages, he did not bring them the levels of economic well-being 0 and what happened from all the consequences of the people under the previous regime, led him finally to the application of the transition to a market economy, which lost him a lot of empowered economic security, and whose employment , and price support 000, etc., which make the most of the citizens living under the clutches of poverty, unemployment and inflation of any kind, degree and which necessarily result in exacerbated inequality in the distribution of income and wealth among the members of the community .But what happened in Iraq after more than seven years to change, the transformation policies used and the rationale and methods of application, appropriate to the economic and social situation deteriorating, especially if the Iraqi society bear many of the costs of social and economic prohibitive price and for more than a quarter of a century and still bears more and led to an increase of unemployment, poverty, etc. 000 0 How the case when the application of those policies, which requires that the factor is the state-oriented policies shift with the way that gives the best results and lowest cost in accordance with those policies dealing with the suit, including Iraqi society and economy