


This study deals with Marketing Strategic planning and its impact on the quality of banking services. This problem is reflected by the lack of banking and financial awareness of the customers and the reduction of activities of banking facilities which are related to investment and commerce. This study puts a primary hypothesis which indicates that all the obstacles are the result of not following the strategic approaches concerning service marketing planning and to be sure of offering the service which meets the needs of customers and their desires – Generally speaking, this study tries to give the answers to the following questions:1.Is there any impact of the strategic marketing planning on the fine quality of the bank service submitted to customers ?2.Is it possible to improve and to develop banking services when the bank management follows strategic planning for marketing banking services?3.Do the operations which determine the quality related to banking services contribute in their development as far as they reinforce the opportunities of satisfying the customers? 4.Are there differences between studied banks and the adoption of Marketing Strategic Planning in banking operations? 5.Are there differences between studied banks in offering banking services ?