


Through our follow to a General company for Electronic Industries, which is a one company of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, a product protection devices for electrical and follow-up services product after sales by the company, we found that the times to engage until the failure of a random sample of (50) device, after drawing the curve his to gram that figure indicates the distribution of Rielyh so been working on this basis, and conducted test goodness of fit was sure that the appropriate distribution of data is distributed Rielyh with two parameters ( ) so work focused on estimating scale parameter ( ) because shifting parameter can assumed from data. Been the focus ofthis researchto providefivedifferentmethodsto estimate thescaleparameterwhich are maximum likelihood method, moment method and Bayes estimator depending on the original data. The comparison has been done through simulation and repeated the experiments (R=1000), using Integrated Mean Square Error as a base of comparison, after estimating we estimate reliability function, all results putting in tables.