


The scientist faces a challenge in establishing a balance between sustainable development and preserving the environment. At a time when he continues to rely on traditional energies that occupy a large part of the use of energy, this has major impacts on non-renewable resources of the environment, as well as on the depletion of the environment. Therefore, the world turns to renewable energy sources for sustainable development. Renewable energy has long been described as the last resort to the world's energy and environmental problems. This enables inexpensive and virtually unlimited energy potential without pollution. The initial interest in renewable energy, stimulated by the oil crises of the 1970s and by fears of resource depletion and political insecurity, resulted in developmental and research activity, clear technological advances, and rapid technological advances. However, as the 1980s and 1990s progressed, fears of energy crises of the past faded, while renewable energy technologies remained expensive despite the progress made. It was evident that renewable energy is the energy of the future. Iraq, like the rest of the world, faces environmental and economic challenges. However, Iraq has opportunities to invest in renewable energy. Like solar energy and wind energy. And if used properly, it will eliminate the environmental impacts of conventional energy and make up for the lack of electricity. As well as other social and environmental improvements in order to reach sustainable development. The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals demonstrate the 17 goals and 169 targets , The breadth of this global plan and the extent of its ambition, which are integrated and indivisible goals and objectives that achieve a balance between the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic dimension, the social dimension, and the environmental dimension. Under the available capabilities, the most important conclusion was the consistency of the research hypothesis, as through the analysis it became clear that the production of renewable energy had not achieved any effects on sustainable development in Iraq.