
"Keywords- Xgamma distribution
Xgamma2 distribution
Survival function
Moments estimation
Maximum Likelihood estimation"


This paper studies some properties of the Xgamma probability distribution, which results from mixing the exponential distribution and the gamma distribution with specific weights. Then a new form of the distribution was proposed by replacing the mixing weights, one with the other for the XG distribution in the mixing function, to obtain the proposed distribution Xgamma2 (XG2D), after which the mathematical properties and survival functions of the proposed model was studied, then some properties of the exponential distribution were studied for comparison with the previous two distributions. The Moments method and the Maximum Likelihood function were used to estimate parameter for studied models. In addition, by using simulations, we found that the Maximum Likelihood method is the best in estimating the survival function of the proposed distribution. Finally, We found The data are better fit by Xgamma than the other of studied models when analyzing patients infected with Covid-19 virus in Najaf, because it achieved the lowest criteria (AIC, AICc, BIC) from other distributions, followed by the proposed Xgamma2 distribution, followed by the exponential distribution.